Business Consulting

Image result for business development 101



 Strategic and Leadership Consultancy with Over 35 Years of Experience

What We Do

We are committed to delivering positive, sustainable results to organizations, teams and individuals


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What is Business Development?
Business development means different things to different people. It almost always includes revenue generation in the definition.
We think the best definition of business development is the creation of long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.



 Image result for the 7 elements of business development


Strategic Partnerships

Superior consultants work with small and medium businesses and entrepreneurs, as strategic partners to provide a range of effective business solutions. Through partnership alignment, we provide strategic, financial and operational expertise for start-ups, businesses in early development and established businesses looking to grow and transform and realize their true net worth.

We help explore and unpack opportunities and challenges and provide a practical framework as to how to move forward.

We help SMEs and entrepreneurs with many aspects of business development including business ideas, growth and entrepreneurial transformation. We form strategic partnerships with SMEs and serious entrepreneurs looking to invest in their future.


Areas we can help with include:  

Business plans

Business forecastingImage result for 21 skills every business development pro

Financial expertise

Operational expertise 

Establishing systems, processes and management information 

Governance and decision making

Leadership coaching and mentoring

Team development

Personal growth and transformation

Safety Plans






How does it work?

With strategic partnerships our involvement is judged on a case-by-case basis. We will consider the business or idea along with the individuals connected to it. If we feel we can add value to your business we will provide details of the options available.

Want more details?

Please contact us for an initial conversation to see how we could work with you