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Posted on January 17 2018

Winter is progressing at full blast, and much of the country is experiencing blizzard conditions or bracing for a major snow storm.

During extreme weather events, make sure you’re prepared for an emergency that could alter business practices. Here, Chef Thomas Schultz, Executive Chef for our ServSafe Food Safety program, offers five tips to keep your food safe:

  • Don’t open for business if you don’t have access to electricity or running water.
  • Make sure you contain water or debris on snow-removal equipment after clearing your walkways. They are good sources for contamination, especially if you’re shoveling on or near a path to the dumpster.
  • If you are open, check with suppliers or distributors about how and where they’ll make deliveries. If you normally have key supply drop-offs, set aside a location for them – preferably indoors. Produce and other items could suffer if left in the cold. Bring food inside so it won’t get wet or ruined.
  • Make certain you can access and open the dumpsters. Remove trash and waste as you normally would. Don’t let it build up because it’s cold outside.
  • Make certain you can access and open the dumpsters. Remove trash and waste as you normally would. Don’t let it build up because it’s cold outside.
  • Be aware of where employees store their street clothing. If you don’t have lockers or a break room, make sure they place clothes away from food-contact surfaces. One good location could be the manager’s office. Remember that clothes, especially boots that track in water and dirt, can be a source of cross-contamination.



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